Why Hire Cause?
Our Society Needs Better Leaders, Not Better Test Takers
Students are graduating without the social and emotional skills they need to succeed in the workforce…
50% of employers had trouble finding recent graduates to fill vacancies in their companies.
Employers cite that graduates lacked the social and emotional skills needed to do the job
Nearly eight in 10 American adults agree that if there is not a development of a more talented workforce, the United States will fall behind other countries.
Only 33% of employers said that graduates had the leadership skills they were looking for in a candidate
Only 42% of employers said that students had the professionalism they were looking for in a candidate
Less than half of recent graduates felt prepared for success after high school.
93% of teachers want a greater focus on social and emotional learning in schools
Our students today will be the leaders of our country tomorrow. If we do not integrate social and emotional learning into our school curriculums, we risk creating great SAT-takers who are ill equipped to lead and face the challenges of the 21st century.
Resource Links
CASEL - The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
NACE–The National Association of Colleges and Employers
Why Support Hire Cause?
Our Society Needs Better Leaders, Not Better Test Takers
Students are graduating without the social and emotional skills they need to succeed in the workforce…
50% of employers had trouble finding recent graduates to fill vacancies in their companies.
Employers cite that graduates lacked the social and emotional skills needed to do the job.
Nearly eight in 10 American adults agree that if there is not a development of a more talented workforce, the United States will fall behind other countries.
Only 33% of employers said that graduates had the leadership skills they were looking for in a candidate.
Only 42% of employers said that students had the professionalism they were looking for in a candidate.
Less than half of recent graduates felt prepared for success after high school.
93% of teachers want a greater focus on social and emotional learning in schools.
Our students today will be the leaders of our country tomorrow. If we do not integrate social and emotional learning into our school curriculums, we risk creating great SAT-takers who are ill equipped to lead and face the challenges of the 21st century.
Resource Links
CASEL - The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
NACE–The National Association of Colleges and Employers